Two Online Free Soap2day. The events of the film revolve around Halim and Mounir who accidentally come across a magic notebook. One night, unaware of the powers of this notebook, Halim, on a whim and after being rejected by the physiognomists of a big city club, expresses his anger by writing a wish on the notebook "And if all men disappeared from the earth". The wish is granted and the whole world is devoid of men except for Halim and Mounir. Our two protagonists did not know that they were going to experience the worst moments of their lives, all of which are interspersed with comical and offbeat situations.
- Genre: Comedy
- Country: Morocco
- Director: Rabii Chajid
- Cast: Driss Chalouh, Mehdi Azekri, Salwa Zarhane, Amal El Atrache, Rafik Boubker, Soukaina Darabil, Sy Mehdi, Nabil Atif,