The Ten
The Ten Online Free Soap2day. The film is centered on young people who live in a moral vacuum, with no aspirations or goals in life. The main character, 18 year old Valera, was once a promising footballer, playing under the most sought-after number 10. But an injury eliminated his chances of a professional career. After several years at a major football academy, he returned to his home town. While waiting to enter compulsory military service, Valera is dating Sveta, a girl of seemingly no ambition, who works a dead-end job as a supermarket cashier. But their relations are nearly limited to sex. Valera's only friends in the neighborhood are a couple of hoodlums he once went to secondary school with. Hanging out with them, he eventually slips into crime...
- Genre: Drama
- Country: Russia
- Director: Vladimir Kozlov
- Cast: Timofey Yakovets, Yekaterina Yenikeyeva, Ilya Chernykh, Stepan Gavrilov, Elena Rudkovskaya, Ilya Fedotov, Igor Krasnykh,